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Pingjun Chen-陈平君

Principal Data Scientist

Institute for Data Science in Oncology

UT MD Anderson Cancer Center

Email: pchen6 at mdanderson dot org


Dr. Chen currently serves as the Principal Data Scientist at The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center dedicated to Computational Pathology. He received a B.S. degree in software engineering and an M.S. degree in medical image analysis from the Dalian University of Technology in 2012 and 2015. He received a Ph.D. degree in biomedical engineering from the University of Florida in 2020.

He concentrates on developing cutting-edge computational models and frameworks to advance cancer prevention, detection, diagnosis, and treatment. Three pillars of his research are 1) AI-assisted digital pathology analysis to automate routine pathologic diagnosis and prognosis, 2) data- and biology-driven approaches to identify novel pathological biomarkers, and 3) intelligent multi-modality data integration to facilitate personalized cancer therapy. Dr. Chen aims to harmonize the perspectives of pathologists, oncologists, biologists, and computer scientists towards developing robust solutions to address critical unmet needs for making cancer history.


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  *Equal Contribution




Last update: June 17, 2024